
Martinsburg Air Show

Two weeks ago we took the kids to the Martinsburg Air Show. It was really neat seeing the planes and getting to go inside the big C-5A Galaxy which looks to be the same big grey plane that carried Tony Stark home from the desert in "IronMan". The jet was so loud, but awesome to watch! The parachuters at the beginning was exciting too. I had never seen a person jump out of a plane in real life. It was a bit scary, I must say. So if you get the opportunity to go see an airshow, take it. They have a lot of different interesting things. :) ~Tiffany


TV addiction

I am sad to say that I am so terribly addicted that I was actually counting the days until the new season of Heroes started. I have never been a huge TV watcher - even as a kid I'd rather read a book or play outside than watch TV. My husband, Nathan, is an avid TV watcher and loves movies even more. He's the one who started my addiction by forcing me to watch movies and shows with him instead of going out. Don't get me wrong- I still love a good book and when hooked on a good series become a bit obsessive about reading it (I read the entire Stephanie Myers series in 4 days and would bring it with me so I could read at stoplights) But since Nathan doesn't read the same books I do we don't get the chance to talk about all the details like we do with the latest Heroes episode and what we think may happen next or what should have happened differently. Like how idiotic we think Hiro is and how we'd just go back in time for 5 minutes to change the current mistake he made. Yet even with our irritation with Hiro we can't help but watch and were so excited with the new season. It's off to a powerful start.

Anyone else addicted?


Fair Time

Last night Nathan & I went to our county Fair with some friends of ours. Of course there are all the crazy rides and games with all the lights & noise but we pretty much avoided that stuff and spent time in the arts/crafts building looking at the photography, etc and out looking at the animals. There was a cow in labor but they said it could take up to an hour so we left & came back but the calf was born by that time. The guys wanted to see a bull for whatever reason so we found this guy with his huge horns. (taken with my cell phone.) We also found a booth where they were selling Sugar Gliders, which were awesome, but a bit pricey. Cute, cuddly and they can live in your pocket. How adorable. It's neat how the Fair never changes yet it is different every year because I change.


Wii Fit

I've been having so much fun on my Wii Fit. I'm proud to say that after a few weeks on it, that my Fit Age is 6 years YOUNGER than my real age. The yoga is fun to do and a nice way to stretch and relax but my favorite thing to do when I want to FEEL like I'm getting a workout is the hula hoop game. That's the picture here, my chubby little Mii character rotating those hips and having a good time while I'm sweating to death in real life but enjoying it. Really, if you have been considering the purchase you should just do it. We debated over the cost of it but it's cheaper than a gym membership & I've actually used it nearly every day, which is way more than I can say for the membership I wasted last year at Gold's Gym. Yay for a fun way to exercise.
