
Break The Surface Event

This past weekend Tiffany & I had the opportunity to donate our time to shoot an event at the Rec Center in Frederick, MD that was called "Break the Surface." The people there were great and the musicians were absolutely amazing. We haven't had time to really go through our pics yet but here are a few from Friday night that I had time to pull out...

This one is a guy blowing into a Shofar
(ram's horn that is used as a trumpet)

I love the way the light hits his hair in this picture, all wild & crazy.

There was fabulous lighting & effects that really set a nice atmosphere.

We're hoping to get the rest of the pictures edited by the end of this week, depending on how much time we have. Anyone wanting to see all the photos when they are finished can pre-register to view them here.


Luner Eclipse

I caught the tail end of the Luner Eclipse last night at about 11:35. Here's my view from Martinburg, WV shot with my 70-300. I think it's awesome to see the same subject shot from so many different locations. Heather hooked her camera to her telescope and I can't wait to see what she got! ~Tiffany


Road Trip!

On Thursday of last week I had to go to Morgantown, WV to photograph an apartment building. It took me 3 hours to get there and then 3 hours to get back. It was such a BORING trip all alone and there really isn't anything in Morgantown besides WVU. I noticed a bunch of used car places and hair salons. So, sorry all you WVU fans, but I was unimpressed! The most interesting part of the trip was Sideling Hill on 68. I don't endorse taking photos from your car at 65 miles an hour, but I needed something to post! Haha, enjoy! ~Tiffany



Yesterday Tiffany & I spent the evening with our family welcoming our oldest sister's new auPair from Australia! Janelle has the most charming accent but I'm afraid we may have overwhelmed her- it was only her 2nd day here and she was bombarded by our crazy, loud family of 18 people. Yes, that is 18 people with my parents, siblings, their spouses & their young children. And both Tiffany & my oldest sister are pregnant so this spring we'll grow to have 20 people in our family!

So all night we had to deal with kids from age 2-6 running around & screaming. Its fun to watch them play together though. I love that our family has remained so close and that all our kids will grow up together. My husband & I don't have any kids yet but at least I know they will have plenty of playmates when we finally do!

Besides, with all the nieces & nephews, we will never run out of willing little models to photograph!



Love is in the Air

Yesterday while at the park my husband & I were entertained by 2 swans that swam over and began to do what looked like choreographed water ballet. It was beautiful! We think they were attracted by our bright umbrella because when we started moving it around they responded even more. I was able to capture this shot but a fence kept me from getting the angle for a full-on shot of a heart shape their heads made. Regardless I still love this shot. The beauty in nature never ceases to amaze me.

I hope your valentines day is filled with beauty and love!



Snowy Days

Here in the lovely state of Maryland we are being hit with loads of snow, ice and rain which means trying to stay warm, dry, and safe. However, my husband & I ventured out to the city park for awhile to take some pictures- he holding the umbrella over my head to protect me and my gear from the alternating rain & snow that just won't seem to stop. Here is one photo from my day- you can see the ice coating the berries as well as fresh rain dripping off. It was beautiful but I'll be glad when sunny days return.
- Heather


Our new website has launched!

After much blood, sweat & tears (okay, so maybe there wasn't any blood...) we finally have launched our new website! We hope that everyone hasn't given up hope and checks out the site. We're really proud of it but let us know what you think- www.LayneMarie.com